My mom got me making my own sauerkraut, and this is basically the first step in the process. I found I enjoyed snacking on it while the salt was pulling out some of the cabbage's water, and rather than extra salt to a dish, when I add this as the "lettuce" on a sandwich it adds just the right amount of salt for my tastes.
Upgrade Tools Needed
More pictures coming soon...
Customize to your tastes:
- Try out different salts.
- Add other spices and herbs to the mix.
Packaging the Leftovers, and Reheating
- If I make a ton, I pack the leftovers into a canning jar with a weight to start the actual fermentation process of making sauerkraut. If it was just plain cabbage, I often add another spice or herb with the cabbage I am going to ferment to boost the flavor. There are lots of great books out there about fermenting foods safely and the health benefits. Experiment!
last updated 11/19/2021